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Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele has flowers that range from white to nearly magenta. It is a very small species as are all
Turbinicarpus sensu stricto. It is not difficult to grow in cultivation. In habitat it has been recorded from near Bernal, Queretaro, near Cadereyta also in Queretaro and between Ixmiquilpan and Pachuca in the state of Hidalgo.
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Mammillaria candida is very widespread in its habitat, in the central Mexican platau (from San Luis Potosi, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas). Yet, plants are rarely found in large numbers in each individual locality.
They differ from completly white spined plants to pink tipped spines to pink spine rings alternate with white. Some can be found solitary while others have a clumping habit.
Seeds are smooth (finely caniculate) which are different from other
Mammillaria species. At one time there was attempts to place this plant in a Genus of its own,
Mammilloydia, but recent trends are in favour of keeping it under
Mammillaria. Easy to grow in cultivation.
Both pictures submitted by Amante Darmanin